Good news for the ISMRM in Singapore. The by now traditional ASL Network Dinner will take place on Sunday, 5th May at 8:00pm.
The venue is in walking distance (~20min) from the conference center. Details will follow.
The network event will be for free for international ASL enthusiasts thanks to the sponsoring by Gold Standard Phantoms (, your partner for Quality Assurance and MRI Calibration Devices
and mediri (, your partner in trial support & medical imaging for translating research into application.
ASL Network Dinner 2023
Great news for the upcoming ISMRM. The by now traditional ASL Network Dinner will take place on Sunday, 4th June at 7:30pm.
Thanks to our sponsors Gold Standard Phantoms and mediri who aim to ready ASL for clinical trials to support you in your clinical research and efforts to increase the impact of ASL in clinics.
ASL Network Dinner 2022
Thanks to our this year’s sponsors: Gold Standard Phantoms and mediri who aim to ready ASL for clinical trials within the ASPIRE project! You can save the date for Sunday, 08. May 2022 after the ISMRM opening reception. Invitation are out to all Newletter recipients.
ISMRM Workshop on Perfusion
Postponed: new dates are out
Want to know more about ASL Data processing and its standards, checkout ASL-BIDS:
4th virtual ASL Network Dinner – Post Easter Edition
Let’s meet again: Wednesday, 14. April 2021, 17:00 UTC
3rd virtual ASL Network Dinner – Christmas Edition
We are happy to announce the 3rd virtual ASL Network Dinner on Dec. 9th, 2020, at 19:00 (UTC)
You can register here:
2nd virtual ASL Network Dinner
In the traditional manner of meeting during the major MR conferences around the world, the ASL Network is happy to announce the 2nd virtual ASL Network Dinner on Friday, 02. Oct. 2020, 18:00 – 19:30 (CEST). To join, please register here:
See you there,
ASL-BIDS – invitation to test and endorse
a long period of meetings, discussions, definitions and developments, we have
reached a final version of the ASL-BIDS
(BIDS BEP005).
a next step, we would like to invite you to:
- Test the BIDS validator after having converted your own ASL-datasets, using these practical instructions and these example datasets.
- Send us the information of your tested dataset, so we can update our test database.
- Endorse our specification via e-mail.
please, send
feedback, comments and suggestions. We aim to submit on October 18th,
for multiple postings.
Yours sincerely,
Patricia Clement
Henk-Jan Mutsaerts
Jan Petr
Macro Castellaro
OSIPI: ASL activities
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the ISMRM Open Source Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI) we would like to share with you information about upcoming activities and invite you to fill in two questionnaires.
ASL Pipeline Questionnaire
We invite ASL pipeline developers to list their pipelines in the OSIPI inventory to help users to find and select their optimal pipeline. To have your pipeline listed, please fill a short questionnaire HERE – see also the website of OSIPI Task Force 1.1.
Perfusion Phantom and Digital Reference Object (DRO) Questionnaire
OSIPI Task Force 3.1 is building an inventory of contacts and descriptions for perfusion phantoms, DROs, and related source code to facilitate future research and collaborations. We invite perfusion developers (both contrast-enhanced and non-contrast methods) to complete the online survey HERE.
ASL Challenges
Both pipeline developers and users are invited to participate in community-based challenges aiming to establish an optimal analysis pipeline for ASL MRI. Please send an email if you are interested in receiving more information about ASL challenges or visit OSIPI Task Force 6.1.
ASL code snippets library
In addition to the complete pipelines, programmers willing to share codes for a specific ASL processing step are asked to contribute to a library of open-source functions and scripts targeted at advanced ASL developers – see more on the site of OSIPI Task Force 2.2.
Apologies for multiple postings.
Yours sincerely,
Jan Petr & Sudipto Dolui (TF 1.1)
Ananth Madhuranthakam & Li Zhao (TF 2.2)
Jim Holmes & Chad Quarles (TF 3.1)
Paula Croal & Udunna Anazodo (TF 6.1)