Industrial Partners: Additional Outputs & Achievements

The Action allowed several SMEs to establish new markets, among them:

  • Mediri GmbH, which was tasked by Siemens Healthcare to develop part of their ASL package
  • Olea Medical, an SME specialised in medical image analysis, developed a new SW package to analyse ASL data. In the mean time, it was also bought over by Toshiba Medical
  • Nordic Neurolab, a company based in Bergen with active members of the Action, profited from the establishment of the network to increase their customer based, and refine their Nordic ICE research software
  • Both Philips Healthcare and Siemens Healthcare, based in Eindhoven and Erlangen respectively, benefited from the publication of the consensus paper, and further developed their product accordingly
  • Gold Standard Phantoms Limited: Last but not least, the chair of the Action, Prof X Golay, set up a spinout company to provide a calibration service for hospitals to be able to use ASL in a reliable and reproducible way. The company was successful in receiving £1.1M to develop a whole product for calibration of ASL from scratch.